Pátek 24. 5. 2024, 18:00 | 🇬🇧
Vašulka Kitchen | kapacita omezena | vstup volný

This talk explores how Ridiculous Theatre, a riotous model of LGBTQ+ theatre-making in 1960s and 1970s New York, impacted the global world of popular music.

Akce je pouze v angličtině.

This talk explores how Ridiculous Theatre, a riotous model of LGBTQ+ theatre-making in 1960s and 1970s New York, impacted the global world of popular music. Focusing upon artists associated with Andy Warhol's 1971 production of Pork, this talk will highlight the cultural effects put in play, and the possibilities forestalled, by a cross-over of artists, attitudes and approaches from an underground theatre milieu into mainstream music culture. Based on new research, it will show how Downtown theatre artists and directors became influential for a time in shaping aspects of glam and punk rock, and detail how their activities have impacted the music industry during the 1970s and since.

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