Sunday June 4th 2023, 16:00 | 🇨🇿 🇬🇧 Registration
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Are you looking for love? đź’• Get out of your comfort zone and put your phone down for a moment. You don't need to look at the person's social media beforehand. You will know it at first sight. We'll give you a few more minutes to do that - what you talk about is up to you. Come on, experience real connection, come to our queer speed dating!
Be ready to meet all kinds of people, that’s why you’re going!
Go with an open mind. You will meet all sorts of people and they may have very different views, values and even lifestyles from you. You are likely to meet people that you might never have met within your social circle, but then, that’s part of the point of attending an event like this. So relax, and learn to find out more about each. And maybe you will find not only your love but also new friends.
Dating is sometimes a numbers game. So the more people you meet, the more likely you are to find your partner. If you don’t find the “perfect someone” at your first event, give yourself a chance and be open to meeting more people until you do. Maybe you’ll find someone at other events during Brno Pride Week.
What to wear? Don’t overthink it, dress in clothes that make you feel comfortable and attractive.
When you have only 5 minutes to make an impression, everything counts! That includes your personal appearance too.
You will meet people whom you just can’t agree with. But, it’s a speed date, so in 5 minutes you’ll probably get to move on. If this happens, just agree to disagree and leave the discussion as that. Or just move on to other questions in the presentation, that will give you the opportunity to change the topic fast.
It is hard to not carry the feelings you have from speed date to speed date but it’s important if you want to be able to give each person you meet a fair chance. So, take a deep breath between each conversation, clear your mind, and start each date fresh.
When you meet so many people, it might be hard for you to remember later on which qualities belonged to which date. So make sure that you note down your thoughts on your scorecard, and if you find a match, make a clear note of it.
Good luck!