On May 25, Zelný trh will light up with a stellar performance by Aiko, who represented our country at Eurovision this year! Imagine the energy and passion Aiko will bring to the stage. Her concert is more than just a musical show; it's a manifestation of pride, a celebration of diversity and a show of support for the LGBTQ+ community.

If you want to donate to the Brno Pride Parade and Pride Park, you still can. With your donation, you will not only support Brno Pride, but also go down in history as a supporter of love and acceptance. Donate today and watch how your support changes Brno for the better.


Support the Brno Pride Parade


Your gift will provide
  • Aiko on stage
  • Drums for the parade: Let the whole city hear us! Drum rhythms will accompany the participants along the entire route.
  • Free water for participants: Hydration is key and your donation will allow us to provide water to everyone who joins the celebration.
  • Make-up and banner-making supplies: Creativity and pride go hand in hand. Your support will enable us to provide all the necessary materials for the production of banners and make-up.