Wednesday, May 22nd 2024, 16:00 | 🇨🇿
Meeting point: Moravské náměstí, near the Jošt statue | free entry

Brno’s Queer Spaces – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

The event is in Czech only

Pojďte se s námi projít po brněnských queer místech. Kde se queer lidé setkávali za socialismu? Jak se situace proměnila v 90. letech? Proč je dnes nejvíc podniků na Pekařské a v jejím okolí? Mají queer podniky a akce vůbec budoucnost? A co je to ta holanda?

This year's programme offers a total of 33 different events, 10 of which have paid admission. If you want to support this festival financially, you can contribute directly at the event by paying a voluntary admission fee or by using a QR code leading to the year-round fundraising campaign on

Thank you, without your support it would not be possible.