Wednesday, May 22nd 2024, 18:00 | 🇨🇿 Reservation
Patio | limited capacity | admission voluntary, but recommended — seat reservation possible

We invite you to the forum theater. A theater where we will open a dialogue together and look for possible solutions to situations not only on stage, but also in our lives.

The event is in Czech only

Young Alex works in fast food and is going through a transition. Can Alex change in the men's changing rooms? How will his colleagues react to his wish? How challenging is it to stand up and communicate the transition in the work environment? And what role can our superiors play in this? We invite you to the forum theater. A theater where we will open a dialogue together and look for possible solutions to situations not only on stage, but also in our lives. New group at the Cabinet of the Theater of the Oppressed MUNI PED and the Center of the Theater of the Oppressed. The project was supported by the MUNI PED scholarship fund to support student activities.

The ticket price you want to pay for this program is your free choice. The organizers recommend a symbolic CZK 100 to support the festival. If you want to secure your seat, you can buy a ticket in advance for a symbolic CZK 100.

Thank you, without your support it would not be possible.