- Filip20
- Co.Labs Talks: Queer people in sports
- Rainbow family planning
- Dramatized Reading: Call Me by Your Name (Odnaproti)
- Literary hysteria: It’s OK to be freaky gay, Ladislav!
- Co.Labs Talks: Panel discussion on contemporary queer art
- Workshop: How to make an LGBT+ friendly social service
- Safe space with Plusko+ (aro+ace)
- Co.Labs Talks: Ethical non-monogamy
- PiNKBUS: Call for love
- Reading for (grand)parents and children with Ivory Divine
- Co.labs Talks: Queer people in society
- Concert: Chillová and Rainbow Stories
- Safe space with Plusko+: History of Stonewall Uprising
- Vyhonit ďábla: Is promiscuity a myth?
- Informal Worship
- Speed dating
- My body is mine – the theme of body and soul
- Conversion Therapy, Faith and LGBT+
- What about bias motivated violence?
- Chemsex: Look The Truth In The Eye
- Pub Queer Quiz
- Karaoke with Plusko+
- Barbie rave: pink is the new gender | Plusko+
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